School of Walleye
By Private Email Invitation Only: Official Enrollment Form into the Multimedia School Of Walleye Online Academy
Strictly Limited To Subscribers And Friends Like You
Preferring to teach one-on-one their love for walleye fishing, several top pro anglers including the walleye tournament champion named “Pro Angler of the Year”* finally reveal their most powerful secrets for boosting your catch count from shore or on a boat— in lakes, rivers and streams.
* by Ranger Crestliner Lund League (RCL) along with other top accolades.
I’m Not Going To Try To “Sell” You On This Online Academy. You Either Want In Or You Don’t …And Only YOU Can Decide If This Is For You.
With That In Mind, Here’s The Full Scoop of How You Can Put School of Walleye To Work For YOU.
From: Andrew Martinsen
Date: Thursday May 2, 2019
Dear Friend,
Does this describe you?:
“I always have trouble finding walleyes. It more often seems they find me..”
I hear ya, and you’re not alone.
After all, here’s the painful truth about walleye fishing that I found out:
Walleye Fishing Fact
Fact: 76% of all walleye anglers don’t catch even one keeper on a typical day of fishing.
Source: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Report, “Fisheries Management Myths Dispelled”
If you’ve ever wanted to learn the unvarnished secrets of high-level walleye catching direct from the horse’s mouth of honest, ethical and wildly successful professional walleye tournament champions, this will be the most important message you read today.
But don’t just take my word for it …
Here’s How This Walleye-Catching System Has Already Been PROVEN to Bring in WALLEYE TOURNAMENT TROPHIES to Regular Anglers Like You and Me
Meet “Montana Mike.”
Mike was a newbie when he enrolled in the multimedia School of Walleye online academy and now he is WINNING BIG-FISH CONTESTS IN WALLEYE TOURNAMENTS.
Here’s a picture of Mike’s winning catch, and here’s what he has to say:
“I Won the Big Fish Contest at My First Ever Walleye Tournament!”
“Thanks Andrew, I have been fishing for walleye for about three years now and find that the challenge is what drives me. Your academy has kept me interested in bettering my skills since I joined. The manner in which you make your presentations using written, audio and video reports keeps my interest levels very high.
I have come a long ways from being at the bottom of the ladder not long ago. Last summer I think I progressed from being in the perhaps the lower 10 percentile group of people on the lake to probably the upper 80 or 90 percentile group. In the past, I almost always came home with an empty live well, though it was great just getting out on the water for a day.
In fact I won the big fish contest at my first ever walleye tournament last summer! It was a 31.25 inch walleye that showed 12.375 on the conversion chart, but the taxidermist said it should go 13 to 14 pounds. I included a picture. The tournament is the biggest one of the year in Montana.
Before going out on the lake next spring, I plan to review your productions to refresh my memory of all the valuable tips you give.
Best wishes to you,”
Bozeman, Montana
In fact, every day my email inbox gets hit with anglers who keep lining up to say, this stuff works!
For example, Rick has also used the stuff inside the multimedia School of Walleye online academy to win walleye tournaments.
Rick’s another normal angler like you and me who had a tournament coming up so he joined, hoping to gain an edge that would help him out.
Two weeks later, he took a couple of concepts he learned online in School of Walleye and turned them into a trophy by pulling in hundreds of fish in a single weekend, leaving his tournament competitors in the dust.
He joined on May 1 and 15 days later on May 16th he won the tournament!
He can tell you about it better than I ever could though – press the “play” button to hear how Rick explained it to me in his own words:
..And here’s what he had to say right after his tournament win:
“I Just Won the Crane Lake Invitational Tournament Championship”
“Andrew, I just won the Crane Lake Invitational Tournament Championship. Nice Fish? You Bet ya!
Thank you, without your information it would not have been possible.
This one went around 9 lbs…. 20 Ft. of water. Nice rock structure using a fireball jighead.
We probably had 30-40 fish over 20″. Of those we had 10+ over 25″.
The courses gave me the ability to understand the importance of Research, Strategies & Tactics to catching big walleye.
Thank you again Andrew,”
Rick S.
As you’ve seen already, the multimedia School of Walleye online academy catches you fish.
It catches you a bunch of fish.
That’s why we’ve never had to try to convince anyone to join during our quiet underground enrollments in the past.
Have You Ever Seen a Fishing Show Where They’re Bringing in Fish Like There’s No Tomorrow?
Yet for some reason you’re not finding out HOW these fish are being caught or why they decided to fish a particular spot.
I guess they do this for good reason most of the time –
They just figure the casual angler would rather see a lot of fish being caught so his adrenaline goes up and he gets excited to buy some lures and hit the water.
Their hope is that he watches the show the following week and repeats the same process. You can see where this is headed …
But Where Does That Leave Die-Hard Anglers Like You And Me?
The harsh reality is that for people who really want to improve their catch rate, it leaves them out in the cold more often than not.
Let Me Share My Amazing Story With You:
When I was about 6 years old my uncle bought me a fishing pole for Christmas.
It was the greatest gift ever.
I fished with that pole for about 5 months straight, every single day at the neighborhood pond.
I was instantly hooked on fishing!
Sadly though, while growing up, fishing was always hit or miss for me.
I would usually fish the same spots year in and year out and wouldn’t vary my presentations much.
Fast Forward a Bit..
A few years back, my walleye catch counts began improving at an astonishing rate.
What happened to turn around my fishing performance so fast?
The truth is, it all happened because of my encounter with one of the top walleye fishing professionals in the world…
You see, he is such a superb fisherman, who quietly does his thing while enjoying the looks on his competitors’ faces when he beats them in yet another tournament.
Now, of course he doesn’t win every tournament he enters but he’s won more than his fair share, and I’m sooo grateful to have met him.
He has held top placements in the MWC, MWS, WWA, RCL, FLW, IMTT and PWT tournaments.
In fact, not that long ago, he won the prestigious honor of Pro Angler of the Year*.
* by Ranger Crestliner Lund League (RCL)
As I got to know him and a bunch of other trophy-earning pros on the walleye circuits, they taught me easy-to-learn strategies and ingenious mindsets my fishing buddies and I could have never come up with in a lifetime of walleye fishing.
These salt-of-the-earth guys, who have now become the faculty members inside the multimedia School of Walleye online academy, routinely turn down offers to speak at large seminars and workshops all across the U.S. and Canada, because they prefer to teach one-on-one to share their love for walleye fishing.
I want you to feel the same rush of adrenaline that I got after I learned and applied these insider secrets.
“25 Inch Walleye Caught at Lake of the Woods”
“Here’s a 25 inch walleye caught at Lake of the Woods, Ontario. The picture is a great memento for me.
I caught it drifting. We caught it amongst some smaller ones that ended up on the dinner table.
Your advice was helpful in making my trip successful. Thank you!”
Russell K.
Press “Play” to Hear What Mark Has to Say about School of Walleye
“I’ve Been Catching More Walleye and Bigger Walleye”
“Andrew, I love to walleye fish…Since I’ve been using your stuff I’ve been catching more walleye and bigger walleye. Thank you.”
Mark T.
Kankakee, Illinois
“11 lbs 31 inch”
“Andrew, just wanted to send this to you, thought you would like to see it. 11 lbs 31 inch. Thank you for all the info. caught on a x rap black and silver about 5pm on a small river in Arkansas.”
Greg S.
Press “Play” to Have a Look at the Fish Caught by Gene’s Grandson
“My Goal is to be the Best Fisherman I Can Possibly Be”
“Had my grandson out at Sioux Narrows, Ontario for eight days, we fished five out of the eight days. He had five days fishing that most people would give their eye teeth for.
Have A Great Day Andrew and thanks for all the fishing information, it has helped alot, I usually fish every chance I get out of my canoe on remote lakes, minimum three times a week and ice fish in the winter, my goal in life is to be the best fisherman that I can possibly be.”
Gene M.
“We Caught a Total of 9 Walleyes”
“Thanks- we caught a total of 9 walleyes in 2 nights here in wisconsin – one northern- and had alot of fish that didnt stick. big fish was a 32 incher, and the smallest was 23- the rest were between 28 and 31 1/2 inches.
the spread reached 20-40 feet of water, and the hits usually came deep or shallow on the outside board. we could see them come up sometimes 25 feet to hit it. all fish came from 10 at night – 5 am.”
“First Walleye Ever”
“Thanks Andrew glad to be part of the group. I definitely appreciate you and all of your material that I have received. There are many techniques and methods that I have implemented into my walleye fishing over the last year and plan on using much more.
I’ve had an awesome time catching walleyes fishing rivers and pier heads. Thanks again for all of your wonderful knowledge and info. Thanks, Heath
P.S. here is a monster eye that my buddy caught a few weeks ago. I talked him into going with me and we were using one of your mentioned tactics when he caught it. This was his very first walleye ever. Lol 10.6lbs 29.13 inches.”
“60 Fish Over a 3 Day Period”
“thanks for everything….
my love of my life second to my wife is walleyes.
Here’s what happened:
The waters were wyoming reservoirs….
pathfinder… glendo..boysen… i caught the pig at 2:30pm in the afternoon.. temperature was 104 6 feet of water..i was blessed netting this eye using a macks lure with a crawler and a snap weight in 6 feet of water..he weighed in at 10.66 lbs..29.5 inches..with nearly a 19 inch girth…over a 3 day boated over 60 fish. blessed were we.
thought you might enjoy the pic…”
David, Wyoming
Here’s Exactly What You’re Getting When You Enroll in Instant and Lifetime Access to School of Walleye
What is the multimedia School of Walleye online academy?
It’s having highly-guarded strategies and tactics handed to you by top walleye professionals through audio, video and books that you can access anytime via download or unlimited streaming – strategies and tactics that you can use over and over again for the rest of your life.
You’ll be able to refer to School of Walleye any time you want – on the boat, from shore, on the road, at home and everywhere in between.
In School of Walleye, you’re going to get …
100+ Minutes of Live-Action Video on the Water With a Walleye Tournament Champion
Follow along for a day on the water with a premier walleye tournament champion.
On these videos, you’re inside the pro walleye tournament champion’s boat to find out *exactly* what he does to give himself the best chance for a successful day on the water.
As you’ll see, there is no theory.
It’s 100% how-you-do-it.
And as you’ll see, he takes you right into his world of high-level walleye fishing – in some of the most difficult conditions ever faced by any angler anywhere in the world.
Sure he could’ve fished in a walleye heaven like Lake Erie in early summer like all the fishing DVDs and shows – but you wouldn’t have learned as much.
After all, even my 4 year old cousin cleans up on walleye in those conditions!
In a challenging environment, the best is brought out of people. And this means you get to discover tons of ninja methods for catching walleye that the pro angler would have never had to bring out of his bag of tricks if he were fishing an easy lake.
Inside this online academy, you’ll learn how to pull walleye out of spots where no one is “supposed” to be able to catch them.
You’re getting instruction containing over 100 minutes of video that can put you on more fish fast no matter which body of water you’re fishing – anywhere in North America – on lakes, rivers, streams, reservoirs and from shore.
5+ Hours Of Audio: What’s Working Now In Pro Walleye Tournament Fishing
In these never-before-revealed audios, these guys deliver the goods that bring them 6-figure paychecks with regularity.
Look, the pros behind School of Walleye all fish for a living – they don’t just teach it.
They’ve all mastered the art and science of high-level walleye fishing and they’re going to tell you *exactly* how they do it – step-by-step and in detail.
You’ll hear the stuff they talk about the night after the tournament when all the pleasantries are thrown out the window and guys just sit back and dish the dirt on what catches them fish.
They reveal the simple system you can put to use right away to catch more and bigger walleye.
Over A Dozen Cutting Edge Walleye-Catching E-Books
The intense walleye-catching tactics in these e-books are all laid out for you on a silver platter, step-by-step, so you can take them and put them to work immediately to catch more fish.
Benefit from now on when you hit the water because of the hardcore, hard-won secrets revealed inside this plethora of e-books.
Here’s What All This Means for You:
You reap the benefits of the combined millions of dollars spent testing walleye fishing.
See, these pros and their sponsors have spent roughly $106,891 a year combined on their walleye fishing … testing new lures, equipment, presentation techniques and everything in between.
They each get in about 1,560 hours a year on the water on average …and as a direct result, they have each made about 122 new discoveries per year.
Here’s How That Catches You More Fish and Translates into More Walleyes – For Life
First of all, they’ve done all the testing for you. Plus, many of their discoveries are usually the type of thing that can give you from a 80% to 120% spike in your catch count.
…And when you get it from them and slap it on your fishing routine, you can see an immediate increase in results. (As in, you catch more fish …without actually doing any work.)
The bottom line?
You catch more fish because they’ve done all the work. Good deal.
There’s a lot more I’m going to tell you about School of Walleye.
But before we go further, we need to set the record straight.
We’re only near the beginning of this letter and you’ve already seen some pretty bold statements. And if I were you, I’d be wondering…
Is This a Bunch of Hype?
And you’re absolutely right to ask that question.
Look, if I wasn’t the one who met these walleye pros and saw my performance skyrocket with my own two eyes, and if it wasn’t for the 308-page (and counting) Microsoft Word file where I’m putting the emails that keep coming in from regular anglers saying “this stuff works,” there’s no way I’d believe it was true. In other words, I know how you feel.
So let me put your mind at ease by pulling back the curtain right now and showing you exactly what you’re getting inside School of Walleye.
For the first time ever, several premier walleye tournament champions are revealing all they know about finding and catching walleye at the highest level.
Inside the Multimedia School of Walleye Online Academy, You’ll Discover…
• A never-before-revealed complete video walk-through inside a walleye tournament champion’s tackle box.
• A step-by-step video tutorial that reveals secrets to uncovering productive fishing spots on a new lake.
• How many sizes and colors to use to test to find out what the fish are interested in on a particular day.
• Why you should feel comfort if you’re not catching fish at a given moment. After all, it happens to pro anglers all the time. You will learn exactly what to do in this situation.
• A program to run in the summer when no one else on the water is catching fish. You will leave this section knowing exactly what to do: You’ll learn exactly what bait to use, exactly which section of the water column to fish, and exactly how fast to pull this presentation.
• The weather conditions and time of day which are most productive for catching the most walleyes.
• Another sneaky (but perfectly legal) maneuver you can do to emulate a top pro when you’re over fish but they aren’t biting.
• The best producing spots to catch walleyes in the spring, summer and fall.
• The order of importance of electronics to have on a boat. More importantly, you’ll learn *why* one piece of electronics is more important than the next.
• A well-used trolling secret pro anglers go with while running harnesses to catch 10+ pound walleye.
• Why it’s crucial to categorize your bait to make it easier to catch way more fish. 20% of the bait in your tackle box catches 80% of the walleye. When you put your baits in order as to how many fish they catch, you’re right on track to be doing everything right.
• How to understand the unique “personality” traits of the walleye as a species. This is so much fun, because once you know these, the game is OVER.
• Complete, detailed tournament-tested weedbed programs to run on cloudy and sunny days, so you’re covered no matter what the weather is doing.
• Colors and depths that catch the most walleye when crankbaiting.
• A back-against-the-wall technique tested in a tournament to pull in 5 nice fish fast with only 30 minutes left, and the detailed reason why this technique works so well.
• How to use the “resting spot” method to persuade fish onto your hook in the summer months when other anglers are going in empty-handed.
• How to make your bait portfolio work twice as hard for you (while catching more fish).
• An almost embarrassing plethora of hook-tying methods that can make you stand out from the pack of everyday anglers.
• How to avoid the most common mistake made by 99% of all walleye anglers. Just as importantly, you’ll also learn WHY you need to avoid this mistake.
• How to use the laws of biology to increase your effectiveness on the water. There’s a vast universe of scientific research about the walleye that most anglers have ignored. But a few professionals have been looting this gold mine for years, catching tons of walleye and leaving the competition far behind. From now on, you too will know these effective “biological triggers” that can make the walleye snap at your offering with frequency and aggressiveness.
• How to know how deep your lures are tracking underwater right down to the inch.
• The reason why from now on you can blissfully ignore how other anglers are doing on the water. Throw away your marine radio, because it simply won’t matter how the other anglers are doing after you learn this gem.
• Underground ways to research your fishing spot before you go out. Spending just 5 minutes in preparation this way can save you hours of wasted time on the water.
• How you can increase your chances of success when you go to fish a new lake for the first time. Yet because it’s been such a hidden secret, very few anglers, even veterans, have ever heard of this.
• Want to bring in mainly the BIG ones? You’ll find out which tournament-tested tactics are proven to reel in trophy walleyes of 28 inches and up.
• Ever heard of a basketball player getting into a Zone, where the hoop appears bigger than it actually is? Well, it’s possible in fishing, too. You’ll learn the steps taken by a walleye pro to get himself into a Zone that turns him into a true walleye fishing machine.
• Scores of motivational real-world experiences of professional walleye champion anglers that can help you skyrocket your way to the cream of the crop of every other angler you know.
• The STEP-BY-STEP process you must take in order to produce astonishing results. Example: most anglers focus exclusively on going with what they know has worked previously. But you can often catch a lot more walleye by doing things just slightly different from everyone else. You’ll learn many creative ways to do this with results that can amaze you.
• How to avoid a huge mistake made by many anglers. For example, many anglers will leave to go for bigger fish if they’re not catching the size they want. You’ll learn how and why to avoid this catastrophic error.
• A complete A-to-Z program to run after a cold front: As you’ll see, everything has been done for you. You’ll find out what kind of bait to use, how to present your bait, and exactly how fast to troll this bait so that even though it’s cold, the walleye can still strike at your lure with a vengeance.
• Ways to shift your thoughts about walleye fishing. For example, when the fish are used to seeing a lure presented a certain way, they get used to it. You will learn a strategy for presenting your offering so instead of ignoring it, the walleye can snap at it with reckless abandon.
• How many sizes and colors to use to test to find out what the fish are interested in on a particular day.
• Exactly where to go and what to do when intense boat pressure drops down at a fishing spot.
• Possibly the most powerful piece of walleye fishing advice that goes against the grain of what “everyone” says you should do: When you run your bait in this certain way, you’re covering many more fish in the population and exploding your chances through the roof. Avoid this simple strategy and you’re only going to get half the looks at your bait than you otherwise would.
• One of the walleye’s main missions in life is to remain as comfortable as possible at all times. You will find out how to use this fact to give yourself an unmatched advantage on any body of water during any time of the year.
• An easy but valuable strategy you can use if you’re fishing an area where you think there are walleye but you’re not marking them.
• When it comes to outfitting your boat the truth is you don’t need everything: Just a few essentials – the right few – can help you catch more fish than anyone else on your lake.
• Go inside the mind of the walleye to learn their springtime patterns like the back of your hand. If you’ve ever wondered where the fish are after the spawn, now you’ll not only know where they are but also you’ll learn the “method to their madness” and why they appear in different areas from one year to the next.
• When you enroll in School of Walleye, you’re getting the most crucial keys to the kingdom that the 10% of elite anglers put to use to catch 90% of the fish.
• …And much, much more!
In School of Walleye, the Elite Walleye Tournament Professionals Answer These Questions and Many More…
• What would be the top key points I would have to learn to locate walleyes quickly any time of the year?
• What is your mindset for finding fish? Once you locate them, what mindset would I have to adopt in order to catch them consistently?
• Once you find the fish…what is your detailed plan of action to go about catching them during all seasons.
• If I were on your boat learning from the best…what would be the main things you would show me to do on the water to take my walleye fishing to the next level?
• What are your favorite baits & presentations and how to you fish them?
• How do you fish for walleye using downriggers or other deep water devices to get the bait low? What type of presentation should you use in this situation?
• What is the best approach to catch walleyes when no one else seems to be catching them?
• What are the most productive weather conditions, times of day, type of bait or lures, and techniques for a successful day?
• What are all of the hard baits you use by name and size?
• What specifically do moon phases do to the feeding cycle of the walleye and what’s the best way to exploit moon phases to my advantage?
• What three pieces of equipment could you not live without? There are so many choices it’s tough to know what to buy without years and years of everyday experience. What five pieces of equipment would you buy if money were no object? What five pieces of equipment would you buy if you were on a budget?
• When using planer boards, what tricks should be implemented to make the setup go smoothly?
• What’s the easiest way to get started with planer boards for a person who is a beginner at them (in detail)?
• In which specific circumstances do you recommend using artificial bait versus live bait?
• When you go out onto a new lake to catch some walleye and you see a bunch of boats in one spot, do you congregate with them first or go somewhere else and why?
• From start to finish, what are the exact steps you take to eliminate unproductive water on a new lake, river, etc?
• What are the seasonal migration paths that walleye take in the course of a year – as far as what part of the lake, depths, after spawn, how far they travel in a day – so I can put myself on walleye and not empty waters?
• How do you put yourself on walleye consistently beginning in mid-summer when it can start to slow down for other people?
• What is your most used technique for tournament fishing today?
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of snap weights versus in-line weights?
• If you were to take an angler out on a new lake with moderate temperatures and a light wind in late May, where on the lake would you go, what would you use for a presentation, how would you fish (trolling/troll speed/drifting, etc.), how deep would you place your presentation, what time of day would you fish for maximum success, and most importantly why would you make these decisions when preparing to catch the most walleye?
• As a rule of thumb, how do you decide which bait to use at certain times of the year (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter)?
• If you could have only one presentation in your tackle box, what would it be?
Those are just a tiny handful of the questions that the elite walleye tournament professionals answer in the multimedia School of Walleye online academy.
And get this …
You Can Implement Their Strategies Using the Stuff You’ve Already Got in Your Tackle Box!
All you have to do is sit back, take in what they have to say, then copy their simple systems for catching more and bigger walleye more often.
But before we go on,
Let’s Keep This Grounded in Reality
If I were you right now I’d probably be thinking,
“These methods may work on walleye hotbeds like the Bay of Quinte where even a 7-year-old can limit out fairly easily, but I’m not sure they will work where I fish.”
If you’re thinking this, then you and I are probably pretty much the same.
You’ll find that this online academy isn’t about “fantasy fishing” on that rare lake stocked with thousands of super-hungry walleye: This is the real fishing, the kind you and I know so well, with real issues to overcome in order to bring in fish.
And as you’re about to find out, only pro anglers with a proven track record of tournament success qualify to teach inside of our courses, since they actually know how to do it. Because everything else is just talk.
Meet Your Course Instructors
As you’ll see, these guys are the real deal – guys who have personally made tons of money in pro walleye tournaments.
To keep their email inboxes from getting maxed out with questions about fishing, their identities are revealed inside the academy and not on a semi-public web page such as this one.
I am proud to present the faculty of walleye pros who will be showing you exactly how they are able to put more fish in the net than almost anyone else …and how you can, too.
Mr. A
Mr. B
Mr. C
Mr. D
Mr. E
Mr. X
Here’s More PROOF that School of Walleye Has Already Helped Anglers Throughout North America Catch More Walleye than Ever Before
…The Question is, Are YOU Next?
"The Big One I Caught Was 10 pounds 11 oz."
"The Walleye are Hammering Our Lures"
"I Had Great Results this Past Opener Weekend"
"I Have Spent Countless Hours Going Over the Info I Have Received"
"Until Saturday I Had Never Fished For Walleye"
"Boy Do I Have Fishing Fever Now"
"I Fish on the Northern Ontario Pro Walleye Tour and This Info is Great"
"I've Caught More Fish This Year than the Last 4"
"The Little Tricks Started to Show Up in More Fish"
There are few experiences that can equal the joy and fun of netting walleyes when you’re out fishing.
That’s why the multimedia School of Walleye online academy is all about one thing and one thing only: YOU boosting your walleye catch count on lakes, rivers, streams and reservoirs on a boat or from shore – on any body of water in North America where there are walleye.
Have A Look Inside
School of Walleye is stacked to the gills with audio, video and e-book training courses.
Here’s What’s Contained Within School of Walleye…
When you enroll in instant and lifetime access inside the multimedia School of Walleye online academy, by your side will be top professional walleye tournament champions who will walk you through the critical factors that they attribute to the lion’s share of their success as they reveal everything they know about systematically putting yourself on more and bigger walleye:
Video Course Modules:
Module 1: Presentation Preparation
Getting presentations locked in ahead of time can mean more time catching fish when you hit the water.
Module 2: Walleye Catching Workshop
Find out ninja techniques for getting great hook sets, tying perfect knots and jigging for walleye. It’s a lot of ground to cover, but as you’ll see it’s simple (and fun!) to do.
Module 3: Inside Anchoring
No stone is left unturned as you get taken inside the world of walleye fishing’s elite to find out how to anchor your boat for more and bigger walleye.
Module 4: Wild Walleye Spots
Here’s where the best spots to walleye fish are uncovered. No matter the body of water you’re fishing, you can use these tactics to find aggressive walleye any time of the year.
Module 5: Presentation Strategy Sessions
Find out how long to go with one presentation, how deep to fish and exactly which type of live bait to use depending on the season.
Module 6: Inside The Tackle Box
The fishing shows and stuff usually just show the anglers catching fish. In this section, the top walleye pro takes you inside his tackle box, so you can emulate him to put yourself on more walleye from now on.
Module 7: Bait Color Success System
Find out which color bait to use in all conditions to be the one at the fish cleaning house at the end of the day with your limit of nice walleye on the stringer.
Module 8: Boat Outfitting Secrets
Leave nothing to chance by outfitting your boat with these essentials that let you focus on what’s important: Catching more fish!
Module 9: Casting For Huge Walleye
How to cast for walleye that are so big you’ll need a camera on board so you can prove to your fishing buddies that you’re not just telling fishin stories!
Module 10: Electronics Efficiency
Find out tricks for using your electronics to put yourself on breaklines, rock humps, weeds and other areas where the walleyes like to hang out.
Module 11: Strange But True Walleye Stories
Sit back and relax as the pro walleye champion bowls you over with weird walleye stories that always end with a huge fish on the hook!
Module 12: Walleye Fishing Behind The Scenes
Go behind the scenes to find out what makes a pro walleye angler tick – how he got into fishing and why he enjoys every second of it.
Module 13: Fish On!
Virtually sit on the pro walleye angler’s boat with him as he fishes. You’ll see the program he’s running to pull in fish in some of the most difficult fishing conditions in North America.
Module 14: The Real Fishing
This section is what fishin’s all about: Being out on the water, having a good time, enjoying nature, listening to the waves hitting the boat, quiet reflection, and reeling in fish.
Module 15: Hooking Into Fish
Watch as the pro walleye angler hooks into nice walleye using the techniques he teaches.
Module 16: Walleye Cleaning Class
The walleye pro shows how he cleans walleye for a great fish dinner.
Module 17: Gear Cleaning Tricks
Get ready for the next season and make sure your equipment is in top shape by using these tricks for cleaning and storing your gear. Do these things to save tons of money and make your gear like brand new.
Module 18: Packaging Fresh Walleye
How to freeze walleye so your fish are perfectly prepared and ready to cook.
Module 19: Walleye Fishing Adventures
Go on a walleye fishing adventure and take a look back at everything you’ve discovered inside your video course modules.
…And much, much more!
Audio Course Modules:
In Section 1 – Fishfinder Revelations, you’ll discover …
• Exactly how to set up your fish finder – right down to the sensitivity settings – to get more fish snapping at your lure.
In Section 2 – Weedbed Revelations, you’ll discover …
• How to find fish fast in weed beds. Above and beyond any other part of the weeds, there’s a certain secret section the walleye can often be found hiding out. Pitch a bait in there, and prepare yourself…
In Section 3 – Crawler Harness Revelations, you’ll discover …
• How far down to put your crawler harness when fishing a reef that’s 20 feet down when the fish are marking just off the reef at 17 feet.
In Section 4 – Bottom Bouncer Revelations, you’ll discover …
• A super-ninja tactic that 99.999% of all walleye anglers have never heard of. You will discover the exact way to use this powerful secret for bottom bouncing in a river because nothing is held back. This is the same strategy that a walleye pro has used to pull 26.5-inch walleyes out of a river.
In Section 5 – River Fishing Revelations, you’ll discover …
• A trick to using blade baits that doesn’t just make river walleye hungry – it makes them super-aggressive by triggering their instinct to go and devour it.
In Section 6 – Lake Fishing Revelations, you’ll discover …
• Totally underground methods for finding lake walleyes during high autumn winds.
In Section 7 – Crankbait Trolling Revelations, you’ll discover …
• Why pro anglers run a portfolio of crankbaits at different depths before deciding what to go with on a particular day – and how you can, too.
In Section 8 – The Walleye Fishing ATD Method, you’ll discover …
• Exactly how to eliminate approximately 80% of the water from consideration before you even arrive to go fishing so you can focus on the 20% that’s effective.
In Section 9 – Winner’s Circle Tactics, you’ll discover …
• The part of the water column that most people avoid like the plague. Little do they know, they’re sabotaging the chance for wild success. You will learn how to fish this part of the water column in ways that can lead to astonishing results.
In Section 10 – Lake Case Studies: “Feet To The Fire” Strategy Sessions, you’ll discover …
• Totally revolutionary ways to think about fishing for walleye. For example if the day before you pounded 20 fish at one location, most anglers would head right back there the next day. You will learn why this seemingly natural decision could seriously restrict your walleye fishing potential.
In Section 11 – Trophy Trolling, you’ll discover …
• How to decrease missed hook sets by 40 to 60% when trolling.
In Section 12 – Masters Mindset, you’ll discover …
• To be wildly successful with walleye fishing you have to be prepared to do things that are way different from the masses. You will learn simple ways for doing this with results that may astound you.
In Section 13 – The Walleye Fishing Tipping Point, you’ll discover …
• Where the fish are heading to in the summer months when they can seem harder to catch. You’ll discover how to put yourself where the fish are, and how to persuade them out of their “secret summer resting spot” and onto your hook.
In Section 14 – Finding Walleyes, you’ll discover …
• How many times to work an area before moving on to the next spot.
In Section 15 – Walleye Fishing Independence, you’ll discover …
• What to do when one day goes well and the next day you’re marking fish but aren’t getting any bites.
In Section 16 – Intense Walleye Fishing, you’ll discover …
• How to catch more walleye in crowded and heavily fished waters when there’s a lot of boat pressure. For instance, you’ll find out what section of a reef to fish when there are a ton of boats around, and why it’s crucial to work this particular spot and stay there, avoiding the temptation to join the swarm of boats.
…And much, much more!
E-Book Course Modules:
In over a dozen E-Books, you will discover …
• The 3 crankbaits to stock your tackle box with for the most consistent results.
• How to register and enter a walleye fishing tournament, even if you’ve never fished in one in your life.
• The paradox of the lazy walleye and how to use this fact to bring in way more fish from now on.
• The Rapid-Fire Presentation Method™. This one’s a game-changer.
• Mindset boosts you can use to catch more walleye and have more fun.
• Weird oddball presentations that can catch you more fish. No one knows why these strange strategies work, only that they do.
• River Fishing Spectacular: Catching more walleye from shore, in a boat and (one of my favorites), in a canoe.
• The best baits and presentations to use for fishing and trolling for walleye around weedbeds and how to work them.
• How to catch more walleyes during the “walleye chop”.
• Aggressive walleye fishing tactics for rip jigging in weed beds.
• Long-lining to catch more and bigger walleyes in adverse weather conditions.
• A scouting routine using electronics that can put you on more fish.
• A super-ninja backtrolling technique that *routinely* catches tons of fish for pro anglers.
• How to catch a ton of walleyes using reef runners.
• 4-Season Walleye-Catching Dominance: The step-by-step system you can use to know the patterns of the Walleye in the Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.
• How to catch walleyes FAST (using tactics for minnows, leeches and crawlers that can turn walleyes into aggressive feeders.)
• …And much, much more!
Press “Play” to Check Out This Clip Where I Talk About the Multimedia School of Walleye Online Academy..
If you’re like me and you like to shore fish, right now you might be wondering,
Does This Stuff Work from Shore?
I am happy to report that yes indeed, while a lot of students inside School of Walleye fish from a boat, many folks inside this online academy fish from shore exclusively.
To me, shore fishing is about as close to a perfect day of fishing that there is.
What is a Perfect Day on the Water Like for You?
As for me, it’s a sunny day, a warm breeze, and a fish on the hook. I’m in my element and it’s peaceful and calm outside…I’m at home…It’s the best life has to offer.
The adrenaline charge from a nice walleye hitting up your lure on a perfect day like this is second to none. The multimedia School of Walleye online academy is all about having more moments like that, more often.
Because after all, the memories created from a great day of fishing are the best part.
“The Biggest Was Right at 13 lbs”
“Andrew, Thought you might enjoy this. This particular night we landed 23 fish, 15 were over 8lbs. The biggest that night was right at 13lbs. or 33 inches. It was a little chilly but not bad, not when your catching hogs. Thanks! Jason.”
“We Had a Nice 9.2lb Walleye in the Net”
“Hi Andrew,
Thank you for all of the walleye fishing information! On Saturday we made a run over to Lake Erie. We started catching walleyes jigging with 1/2oz purple hair jigs tipped with minnows. The area ranged in depth from 8’ up to 18’ and then back down to 8’. The water was slightly muddy and the fish were congregated around the top of the humps.
We later decided to troll and the in-line planer board jerked back and after a few minutes we had a nice 28-1/2” – 9.2lb walleye in the net. We circled this area for about a ½ mile and then would return back to spot where we caught the nice walleye. Ended up catching another 5 walleyes that ranged from 2lbs – 9.2lbs.
I like your relentless enthusiasm towards walleye fishing and I hope to learn more from your collection of techniques that I can apply on the small inland lakes around my area and also using these techniques on the Great Lakes watershed. Keep up the great work!
Thanks again….”
Paul A.
“What a Blast it Was”
Great day, started out slow. 4 fish in four hours. After 11am the wind picked up and so did the bite. Ended up with a dozen. 3 over 22 inches.
Using bottom bouncers. We were trolling at about 1.3 to 1.5 mph. Seem liked we caught fish going into the wind.
What a blast it was.
Left the poles in the pole holder while trolling. Gave the fish a chance to get a good bite.
Thanks for all the tips. Until next time see ya later….
Press “Play” to Hear What Trevor Has to Say about School of Walleye
“It Really Helps Me When I’m On The Lake”
“I have been walleye fishing for 15 years…I like the specifics that this sets out… It is very good advice and it really helps me when I’m on the lake and I’ll remember some things that I hadn’t tried before that can be put to good use…I think this is really good for people who are interested in becoming a pro walleye angler or somebody who has been doing it for a couple years but still has a lot to learn…even for people who are great pro fishermen…you really couldn’t go wrong… Thank you Andrew.”
Trevor S.
“Another Fine Weekend”
“Hi Andrew did some new stuff trolling thanks to you look what I did.
Another fine weekend of putting fish in the boat.
Peace Out”
Dave B.
Press “Play” to Have a Look at Carl’s Lake Erie Trip
“Here is a Little Trip We Just Took”
“Andrew, i have been fishing ‘eyes for over 30 years and i love it. Here is a little trip we just took. Enjoy, Carl”
“A Nice Walleye I Picked Up on a Homemade Tube Fly”
“Andrew, I study your material and thought you might enjoy a look at a nice walleye I picked up on a homemade tube fly and smile blade combo.
Of course she went back in the Columbia. I was so nervous to have her out of the water at all but could not resist the temptation to take a picture. Thanks,”
“I Have Had a Great Year Fishing for Walleyes”
“Just got back from Lake Oahe, it was unbelievable.
Started out using Cranks to find the fish and I caught my biggest fish on Bottom Bouncers with homemade spinners. We also released alot of nice fish.
Andrew, using alot of your information, I have had a great year fishing for walleyes. I have caught my limit on my fishing trips.
Thanks for all the great information. I have always loved to fish walleyes, but I seem to be getting better thanks to you.
Thanks again!”
Clark Z.
Here’s what else is great:
It’s a Snap to Add This System to Your Fishing Routine
The walleye pros don’t beat around the bush: In the videos, audios and e-books, they tell you exactly how to implement the ninja techniques they use to consistently befuddle their competition.
The multimedia School of Walleye online academy is specifically designed for those ethical and serious anglers who have a burning desire to quickly and dramatically improve their fishing performance by putting new methods to work for them.
While others are using the same techniques they’ve always used, you can be leaving them in your wake because of emulating the tactics and strategies of top pro walleye tournament champions.
If you use it, you can get massive results.
Because after all,
The Winner’s Circle is Where a Dedicated Walleye Angler Like You Belongs
Imagine having professional walleye tournament champions by your side, chatting with you like a long-lost friend, showing you step-by-step and in plain English – exactly what you can do right now to boost your walleye catch count through the roof …
What Would That Be Worth to You?
I’ve received emails from anglers who have told me that the multimedia School of Walleye online academy is like having their own personal team of pro walleye champions with them as their mentors every time they hit the water.
How much would it cost to hire a guide (let alone a professional walleye tournament champion) every time you go fishing?
It would most likely add up to thousands of dollars pretty fast.
With that said, can you believe that when you enroll in lifetime online access to School of Walleye, the tuition isn’t even $3,000.00? No, it’s not even $1,000.00.
Would you believe me if I told you that your one-time investment in catapulting your walleye fishing to stratospheric heights is only $297?
That’s not a typo, and yes, I know it sounds ridiculously underpriced because you could easily spend much more than that amount on a few light shore lunches.
You’ve spent a good deal to ensure your fishing outings are enjoyable. I don’t have to convince you that it’s worth every penny for all the walleye you can catch when you put School of Walleye to work for you.
Here are More School of Walleye Success Stories from Your Fellow Peers
"Thank You"
"It Has Worked Out Every Time"
"I Never Saw a Bunch of Guys Fly to Their Poles So Fast"
"I Notice the Changes in My Confidence of What I Decide to Try"
"I Outfished the Local Guys"
"It's as if You are Right There in the Boat with Us"
"I Just Caught the Biggest Walleye I Have Ever Caught"
"Homework Translates into Fish and Having a Great Time vs. Little or Nothing for the Same Fishing Time and Effort."
"Cabin Fever Has Set In"
There’s even more good news, because when you enroll in instant and lifetime access to the multimedia School of Walleye online academy soon …
You’re Also Getting Instant and Lifetime Online Access to $684.00 Worth of FREE Bonus Courses…
When these popular online bonus courses were sold separately, they went for $684.00.
And for a limited time when you enroll in School of Walleye, you get them FREE!
Bonus #1:
Walleye Fishing Secrets 1.0 & 2.0
These acclaimed programs break down the two areas that led ancient fishermen to astounding success – mindset and strategy – and apply them to the 21st century so you can bypass conventional “wisdom” and see more walleyes in the net.
Included FREE
Bonus #2:
Walleye 7 Code
Here you will uncover the complete blueprint for 7 primary factors that keep elite pro anglers at the top of their games year in and year out.
You get it all in these 7 hard-hitting modules: Mindset Mastery, Productive Water Exposed, Weather & Wind Analytics, Secret Ninja Tactics, Presentation Prowess, Bottom Content Workshop, Advanced Electronics Strategy.
Included FREE
Bonus #3:
Ice Fishing Frenzy
The world’s only “learn it today, pull more fish through the ice tomorrow” system ever created by a 2 Time Line Class World Record Holder (Line Class World Records: 24.5″ Smallmouth Bass, Largemouth Bass for Ice Fishing with a Jig Pole).
This course is the result of decades of testing different ice fishing methods to find which work best, and it reveals his most intense ice fishing secrets that can get fish to attack your bait all winter long.
Included FREE
Bonus #4:
Catfishing Secrets
In this audio guide that gets into the nitty gritty of real down-home catfishin’, you’ll find out how to determine the patterns of the catfish so you can track them down on any given day, and much more!
Included FREE
Bonus #5:
Crappie Fishing Secrets
Listen in as a top professional crappie tournament champion reveals a very detailed, specific regimen you can put to use that can catch dozens of fish, and much more!
Included FREE
Bonus #6:
Bass Fishing Secrets
In the bass fishing audio course that can get one bass after another making a beeline for your bait, you’ll find scores of motivational real-world experiences of a top professional bass angler to help you blast your way to the cream of the crop of every other angler you know, and much more!
Included FREE
Bonus #7:
Extreme Walleye Fishing
This is where elite walleye pros reveal their secrets for avoiding the mistakes made by most anglers.
Plus, you’ll uncover game-changing ways to get sponsored in walleye fishing, what to do with your bait so the walleyes can’t help themselves but aggressively inhale it like candy, and some incredibly mouth-watering walleye recipes & side dishes I promise you’ve never had before. But once you do, you’ll probably never turn back!
Included FREE
Total Value: $684.00
Yours FREE
Inside your bonus courses we walk you through strategies that are being used in tournaments *right now* to pull in trophy fish.
The bonuses are 100% high-octane content designed to get you fast-tracked to catching more and bigger fish immediately.
You’ll get instant and lifetime access to these online courses when you enroll in instant and lifetime access to the multimedia School of Walleye online academy.
I’m giving away these bonuses as my way of saying, “Thank you for being a subscriber to my walleye fishing email publication!” When we take this online academy to the rest of the world soon, the bonuses will no longer be available. Because these special bonuses are very limited, you can only claim them if you enroll soon. (Thank you for your understanding).
This system and bonuses are meant for you to use, to implement, and for you to catch more fish. And I think you will.
In fact, I’m so confident that you will, that I guarantee it..
You’re Super-Protected By My 100% Better-Than-Risk-Free Guarantee:
So here’s what I want you to do.
Enroll in School of Walleye right now.
Dig into it for 8 weeks – that’s a full 56 days. If for any reason under the sun (or no reason at all) you don’t think this is the greatest investment you’ve ever made in your fishing hands down – if there’s any hint of hesitation – I want you to let me know and I will issue you a fast, friendly and full refund.
That could be one video. You could be like “I didn’t like Video Module #4, I want my money back.” No problem. Just let me know, and I’ll give you a full refund.
I won’t ask you to jump through hoops, answer any questions or do anything. As fellow anglers, our word is our bond and your word is good with me.
If you don’t think that this system will have you catching more and bigger walleyes when you hit the water, then you get to keep everything “on the house.”
In other words… the WORST that happens is you will have gotten to try this online academy FREE and be out nothing.
So all the risk is on me.
The bottom line is, you’ve seen the success stories, so you know this stuff works. I’m very confident in your ability to work with these top walleye pros through the multimedia School of Walleye online academy to get you where you want to be fast.
I’m putting it all on the line with this unheard-of guarantee, and naturally I wouldn’t be making such an offer without truly believing this is the REAL THING.
Yes, this is going to be fun. Yes, you’ll be part of a group the rest of the Fishing World envies. Yes, your life and your fishing will never be the same.
Here’s What To Do Next
If you think this is worth it, if you think this is too good an offer to pass up while it’s still available, enroll right now and put School of Walleye to work for you right now.
ACT NOW – The price WILL go up.
Special Message May 2019
ALERT: This private enrollment is truly filling up like crazy.
Any day now, enrollment will be closing as we prepare to take the multimedia School of Walleye online academy to the rest of the world.
When it’s opened to the general public soon, it’ll be at twice the amount you’re getting inside for today and without all the fantastic free bonuses you’re getting.
The reason I’m offering this private special is because it’s my way of saying, “Thank you for being a subscriber to my email publication!”
But you better hurry and get inside now, while it’s all still available!
Get Instant Access Now!
Enroll Online By Safe Secure Server
PayPal is the secure payment processor for School of Walleye. To enter your payment information, select the applicable link below. Once you complete your order, you will be given instructions on how to immediately access all of your course materials, and the accompanying bonuses.
Select Your Preferred Payment Option:
One-Time Payment of Only $297 Not $597
Get instant and lifetime access to School of Walleye + Bonuses for the special introductory price of only $297:
Three Easy Payments of Just $99.95
Get instant and lifetime access to School of Walleye + Bonuses for three easy payments of just $99.95 (second payment due in 30 days, third and final payment due in 60 days):
Start catching more walleye today!
Yes, you get immediate access even at 2:00 A.M.
As soon as your payment is authorized (this usually takes less than 5 seconds), you will have full access to all of the course modules and accompanying bonuses inside the academy, so you can begin watching the videos, listening to the audios and reading the e-books immediately.
If you want to get more satisfaction from your walleye fishing outings, enroll in the multimedia School of Walleye online academy today.
Andrew Martinsen
P.S. Seriously, School of Walleye is awesome. You gotta try it. You’re gonna love all the cool bonus courses too.
Bottom line, you either LOVE everything that you’re getting inside this online academy or it’s FREE.
Enroll right now, and I will do everything in my power to get you to DOMINATE on the water!
P.P.S. Oh! I almost forgot! If you’re wondering about being able to access the videos, audios and e-books on your computer, tablet or mobile device, please know that if you can read this letter, then you’ve already got everything you need to be able to watch, listen to and read all of the content within the academy. It’s simple as can be, as you’ll see.